
Fang Security Specialist certification is for the select few individuals willing to devote their lives to making the world safer for the people on the front lines of the confrontation between good and evil.

Fang Security Specialists have a minimum of four years training in martial arts and have studied the elements of personal protection, from risk assessment to evasive driving, advance planning to detecting terrorist surveillance. Other companies in the personal protection business can make this claim.

    What sets a Fang Security Specialist apart is rest of our curriculum and character.

 Knowledge is power. Fang Security Specialists have a breadth of knowledge to keep you out of trouble.

Fang Security Specialists know how to prevent illness and treat injuries; they study anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, and advanced first aid.

Fang Security Specialists have extensive understand of the human condition, from historical, psychological and cultural perspectives.  They study world and modern history, psychology, social psychology, world religions, comparative justice systems, disaster management, and the dynamics of terrorism and violence.

Fang Security Specialists have functional skills with technology, understand critical IT security issues, are capable of keeping business records and managing vehicle safety.

Fang Security Specialists each adopted a regional concentration and study its culture, major religion, history and one of the world’s major languages.

Fang Security Specialists grow spiritually for this mission. They hold allegiance to the scriptures, study Christian apologetics, and contemplate their purpose in life.

          We make the finest Security Specialists in the World.